Neuville: Hyundai deserved the 1-2-3

Thierry Neuville is being happy with his win and the 1-2-3 of Hyundai Motorsport in Greece saying that this victory is a big relief for him after what happened in Belgium last month.

The Belgian driver returned to his winning form as the last time he was on the highest place of the podium was at Rally Spain eleven months ago.

He stayed out of trouble throughout all the weekend in Greece and took advantage of Sebastien Loeb's, Pierre-Louis Loubet's and Esapekka Lappi's problems on Saturday resulting in leading Acropolis Rally since Saturday morning.

Last but not least, he finished ahead of his teammates and all together achieved a historic result for Hyundai in WRC as it was the first time for the team to do a 1-2-3 in a WRC event.

"This is a special victory and an historic result", Neuville said. 

"It’s been a tough season for us so to get the win, especially after a difficult weekend in our home event in Belgium, is a great release. 

"I think the most important aspect is the 1-2-3 for the team, a result we entirely deserve after all the efforts from everyone. 

"We can take immense pride in this achievement. 

"I have been in the team since the beginning, I know how hard everyone has worked, especially through the difficult times, but we’ve always fought back, and this is a perfect demonstration of that. 

"We knew on Friday, starting fourth on the road, that we had the capacity to go faster. 

"The target on day two was to push harder and to make up the gap. 

"We were able to move into the lead and increase the advantage to be a bit more comfortable today. 

"I am happy with the victory - we knew it would come. 

"We still have work left to do but it’s clear we’re heading in the right direction".

Photo Credits: Hyundai

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