The Route of Rally Italia Sardegna 2024

The organizers of Rally Italia Sardegna announced the route of their event for 2024 which will be held on May 31 to June 2.

More specifically, the recce will last two days (Wednesday 29 to Thursday 30 May) where the drivers and the co-drivers will make their final changes to their pacenotes before the start of the rally. An autograph session will be held, but the organizers will confirm the time and the place later. The ceremonial start will take place in Alghero at 19:30 local time.

Olmedo will host the Shakedown session for one more year while this will be the first time in WRC where the SD stage will run on Friday together with the official start of a rally. After the end of SD, the crews will have to pass from two stages twice. More specifically, "Osilo - Tergu" will be the opening stage of the rally and its second pass will be held at 17:33. This stage returns back to the itinerary since 2020, but this year's version will be longer by eleven kilometers. The morning and the afternoon loops will conclude with "Sedini - Castelsardo", a stage that ran in WRC back to 2022. Totally, the first day includes the Shakedown and four stages with almost 80 Km in total.

Saturday includes eight stages and 149,36 Kilometers in distance. The morning loop consists of two repeated stages starting from "Tempio Pausania" and "Tula". Afterwards, the second loop of the day contains two passes from "Monte Lerno - Monti di Alla" and "Coiluna - Loelle". The classic stage of "Monte Lerno - Monti di Alla" is the longest stage of the day with 25,17 Km.

The final day of Rally Italia Sardegna also includes four stages of 39,30 Km. The action will start from "Cala Flumini" before the crews will head to "Sassari - Argentiera". Afterwards, they will return back to "Cala Flumini" which a 12,55-Kilometer stage. The second pass from "Sassari - Argentiera" will host the Powerstage where fastest crew can take the five maximum points from PS. Finally, the top three crews will head to Alghero for the podium ceremony and for receiving their trophies.

Totally, Rally Italia Sardegna includes 16 stages and 266,48 Kilometers in distance.

Photo Credits: Toyota

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