Loubet handed two fines for speeding breach during the Estonia recce

Pierre-Louis Loubet got two fines by the stewards of Rally Estonia as he overtook the speed limits on two stages during the recce yesterday.

From July 18-19, Rally Estonia's itinerary includes the recossainnance days where the crews get through the stages and make some final changes to their pacenotes. During the recce, Loubet drove with 78,8 Km/h in Stage 14, 28.8 Km/h over the speed limit, therefore the stewards fined him with 700 euros. Moreover, the Corsican driver repeated this action again, but this time was in Stage 19 where the speed limit was at 30 Km/h and overtook it for 19.7 Km/h, thus he received an additional fine of 950 euros for his second speeding infringement which means that totally he has to pay 1.650 euros. However, he has the right to protest these decisions.

Watch below the stewards' decisions:

Photo Credits: M-Sport

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